Issue 3, 2024
O. V. Orfinskaya
Egipetskie tekstil'nye izdeliia na Severnom Kavkaze v rannem Srednevekov'e [Egyptian early medieval textiles in the Northern Caucasus]
The beauty, colour and pattern variety of silk fabrics have always attracted researchers’ attention alternatively to linen and woolen objects. Despite a large number of such finds, only few publications on this topic exist. This fact is probably explained with modest appearance of these finds, as well as the absence of reasonable criteria for their attribution. The direction of threads’ spin is used as the main criterion for classifying woolen and plant fabrics as imports from Egypt.
North Caucasus, early Middle Ages, textiles, tapestries, Egypt, the Great Silk Road.
Original language — Russian.
DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2024-00012.
Referring: Orfinskaya O. V. Egyptian early medieval textiles in the Northern Caucasus [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2024): 40–52. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2024-00012.
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