Issue 1, 2024

O. V. Orfinskaya

Arkheologicheskii tekstil' kak indikator obshchestvennykh otnoshenii i religioznykh predstavlenii v Egipte [Archaeological textiles as an indicator of social relations and religious beliefs in Egypt]

Natural and climatic features of Egypt favour the preservation of organic materials, textiles in particular. Archaeological textiles are an important source helping to reconstruct the features of socio-economic, religious and everyday life history. The textiles obtained during archaeological expeditions of CES RAS in the tomb TT-23 (Luxor) and the necropolis of Deir el-Banat (Fayoum) have a reliable archaeological context, and therefore the study of archaeological textiles gives an opportunity to partially reconstruct the life of the people, to determine the level of technological development of a society in the field of textiles, and thus to reconstruct economic history.

textiles, textile technologies, tomb TT-23 (Luxor), Ancient Egypt, necropolis of Deir el-Banat (Fayoum), social relations.

DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2024-00005.

Referring: Orfinskaya O. V. Archaeological textiles as an indicator of social relations and religious beliefs in Egypt [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2024): 104–118. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2024-00005.

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