Issue 4, 2023

R. А. Orekhov

Putiami Sinukheta (rassmotrenie gipotezy Kh. Gëdike) [By the ways of Sinuhet (consideration of the hypothesis of H. Goedicke)]

In this study, the author, using the Sinuhet movement route in order to reconstruct toponymies of a certain region, seeks to revise our knowledge about the agglomeration of Memphis during the Old and Middle Kingdoms. Toponyms that the hero of the story finds along his route, such as the sanctuary of the sycamore goddess Hathor, the Maaty canal, the residence of King Snefru, the place of cattle crossing Nega occupy the central position in this paper. Based on modern data, he admits that Sinuhet, in his movement from the direction of Wadi Natrun, had crossed the dried-up Wadi Abusir from north to south, had passed the lands of Snefru, and then came to the pastures of the temple of Ptah. In other words, he crossed the ancient residence of the kings of Memphis. The study also touches upon the original localization of the sanctuary of the goddess Hathor, the lady of sycamore, and the cult of Sobek associated with it.

H. Goedicke, Sinuhe, Мemphis, Abusir, the goddess Hathor, the lady of sycamore, the cult of the god Sobek in Memphis.

Original language — Russian.

DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00016.

Referring: Orekhov R. А. By the ways of Sinuhet (consideration of the hypothesis of H. Goedicke) // Египет и сопредельные страны 4 (2023): 37–61. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00016.

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