Issue 3, 2019

R. A. Orekhov

Nekotorye zamechaniya o prirode drevneegipetskogo zemlepol'zovaniya v nachale IV dinastii (po materialam perepiski T. N. Savel'evoi i Yu. Ya. Perepelkina) [Several remarks on ancient Egyptian land use at the time of the 4th Dynasty (according to letters by T. N. Savelieva and Yu. Ya. Perepelkin)]

On the ground of letters by T. N. Savelieva and Yu. Ya. Perepelkin, the author discusses a number of issues connected with the nature of private land use at the time of Snofru. Though Yu. Ya. Perepelkin was considered an expert in this field, his colleague was far from blindly following his opinion. In particular, she had her own original opinion on selling land by the to Metjen as well as village communities in the Old Kingdom.

T. N. Savelieva’s archive, letters of T. N. Savelieva and Yu. Ya. Perepelkin, Metjen’s inscriptions, private land use in the Old Kingdom.

Original language — Russian.

DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00007.

Referring: Orekhov R. A. Several remarks on ancient Egyptian land use at the time of the 4th Dynasty (according to letters by T. N. Savelieva and Yu. Ya. Perepelkin) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2019): 42–52. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00007.

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