Author index


Istoriia razvitiia parusnoi osnastki drevneegipetskikh korablei s nachala Tret'ego perekhodnogo perioda do kontsa Antichnosti (1069 g. do n. e. — konets V v. n. e.) [Evolution of rigging of Ancient Egyptian ships from the beginning of the Third Intermediate Period to the end of Antiquity (1069 BC — end of the 5th century AD)]
3, 2023
Referring: Belov А. А. Istoriia razvitiia parusnoi osnastki drevneegipetskikh korablei s nachala Tret'ego perekhodnogo perioda do kontsa Antichnosti (1069 g. do n. e. — konets V v. n. e.) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2023): 1–30. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2023-00009.

Istoriia razvitiia parusnoi osnastki drevneegipetskikh korablei s nachala dodinasticheskogo perioda (ok. 5300 g. do n. e.) do nachala epokhi Drevnego tsarstva (2686 g. do n. e.) [Evolution of rigging of Ancient Egyptian ships from the beginning of the Predynastic period (c. 5300 BC) to the beginning of the Old Kingdom (2686 BC)]
1, 2020
Referring: Belov А. А. Evolution of rigging of Ancient Egyptian ships from the beginning of the Predynastic period (c. 5300 BC) to the beginning of the Old Kingdom (2686 BC) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2020): 1–22. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2020-00001.

Kladbishche drevneegipetskikh korablei iz Gerakleia [Ancient Egyptian ships’ graveyard from Heracleion]
1, 2017
Referring: Belov А. А. Ancient Egyptian ships’ graveyard from Heracleion [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2017): 1–23. Digital resource, mode access:

New light on the construction of the Egyptian baris as per Herodotus' narrative (2.96)
1, 2016
Referring: Belov A. A. New light on the construction of the Egyptian baris as per Herodotus’ narrative (2.96) // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2016): 34–46. Digital resource, mode access:

Mezhdunarodnaia konferentsiia "Arkheologiia gavanei i pribrezhnaia arkheologiia 2022. Portovye goroda Sredizemnomor'ia" (Harbour and Coastal Archaeology 2022 Mediterranean Harbour Cities I)
2, 2022
Referring: Belov А. А. Harbour and Coastal Archaeology 2022 Mediterranean Harbour Cities I [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2022): 95–100. Digital resource, mode access:

Mezhdunarodnaia konferentsiia "Podvodnoe Sredizemnomor'e — II" (Under the Mediterranean II), 2–6 noiabria 2022 g.
3, 2022
Referring: Belov А. А. Under the Mediterranean II [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2022): 67–72. Digital resource, mode access:

Obzor osnovnykh konstruktivnykh osobennostei drevneegipetskikh korablei [An overview of major constructional features of Ancient Egyptian ships]
1, 2019
Referring: Belov А. А. An overview of major constructional features of Ancient Egyptian ships [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2019): 1–27. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00001.

Parusnaia osnastka drevneegipetskikh korablei kontsa XVIII dinastii (1338–1295 gg. do n. e.) [Sails and rigging of Ancient Egyptian ships of the end of the 18th Dynasty (1338–1295 BC)]
2, 2022
Referring: Belov А. А. Sails and rigging of Ancient Egyptian ships of the end of the 18th Dynasty (1338–1295 BC) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2022): 1–10. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00004.

Parusnaia osnastka drevneegipetskikh korablei v epokhu Ramessidov (1295–1069 gg. do n. e.) [Sails and rigging of Ancient Egyptian ships during the Ramesside Period (1295–1069 BC)]
2, 2023
Referring: Belov А. А. Sails and rigging of Ancient Egyptian ships during the Ramesside Period (1295–1069 BC) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2023): 1–19. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00004.

Previously unknown element in construction of ancient Egyptian ships from the Late Period and its probable designation
4, 2023
Referring: Belova G. A., Belov А. А. Previously unknown element in construction of ancient Egyptian ships from the Late Period and its probable designation // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2023): 1–9. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00014.

Russian underwater archaeological mission to Alexandria. General report (2003–2015)
3, 2019
Referring: Belova G. A., Ivanov S. V., Belov A. A., Laemmel S. Russian underwater archaeological mission to Alexandria. General report (2003–2015) // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2019): 1–31. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00005.


XII Mezhdunarodnyi kongress egiptologov v Kaire (ARE), 3–8 noyabrya 2019 g. [The 12th International Congress of Egyptologists in Cairo, Egypt, 3–8 November 2019]
4, 2019
Referring: Belova G. A. The 12th International Congress of Egyptologists in Cairo, Egypt, 3–8 November 2019 [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2019): 67–70. Digital resource, mode access:

Arkheologicheskie issledovaniia pamiatnika "dvorets Apriia" (Memfis) i problemy ego khronologii i identifikatsii [Archaeological research of the Palace of Apries (Memphis) and problems of its chronology and identification]
4, 2021
Referring: Belova G. А. Archaeological research of the Palace of Apries (Memphis) and problems of its chronology and identification [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2021): 1–20. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2021-00027.

K voprosu ob administratsii Belykh Sten (Memfis) [Some considerations on the White Walls (Memphis) administration]
4, 2018
Referring: Belova G. A. Some considerations on the White Walls (Memphis) administration [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2018): 1–11. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2018-00015.

K voprosu ob organizatsii administrativnogo apparata Egipta vo vremena pravleniia Amenkhetepa III — Tutankhamona [Egyptian administration in times of Amenhetep III — Tutankhamun: to the issue of its structure]
4, 2016
Referring: Belova G. A. Egyptian administration in times of Amenhetep III — Tutankhamun: to the issue of its structure [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2016): 1–22. Digital resource, mode access:

Kom Tuman. Season 2016
4, 2016
Referring: Belova G. A., Ivanov S. V. Kom Tuman. Season 2016 // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2016): 23–30. Digital resource, mode access:

New data on the Apries’ palace complex
3, 2022
Referring: Belova G. A., Ivanov S. V. New data on the Apries’ palace complex // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2022): 35–48. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00009.

Pamiati druga, tovarishcha, kollegi... k. i. n. A. M. Smirnova (27 aprelia 1947 g., Daugavpils — 18 noiabria 2022 g., Pushkin) [In memory of a friend, comrade, colleague... Dr. A. M. Smirnov (April 27, 1947, Daugavpils — November 18, 2022, Pushkin)]
1, 2023
Referring: Vinokurov N. I., Belova G. A., Litvinenko S. V. In memory of a friend, comrade, colleague... Dr. A. M. Smirnov (April 27, 1947, Daugavpils — November 18, 2022, Pushkin) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2023): 54–53. Digital source, mode access:

Predvaritel'nyi otchet o rabote missii Tsentra egiptologicheskikh issledovanii Rossiiskoi akademii nauk (TsEI RAN) na pamiatnike Deir-el'-Banat (Faiumskii oazis) za 2017 g. [Preliminary report on the work of the Russian mission of the Centre for Egyptological Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CES RAS) at Deir el-Banat (Fayum oasis) for 2017]
4, 2017
Referring: Belova G. A. Preliminary report on the work of the Russian mission of the Centre for Egyptological Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CES RAS) at Deir el-Banat (Fayum oasis) for 2017 [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2017): 1–25. Digital resource, mode access:

Preliminary report on excavations in Memphis (Kom Tuman) in 2018
2, 2018
Referring: Belova G. A. Preliminary report on excavations in Memphis (Kom Tuman) in 2018 // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2018): 1–22. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2018-00005.

Preliminary report on the work of the CES RAS archaeological mission at Deir el-Banat (Fayoum). The 14th season (March 3 — April 24, 2019)
2, 2019
Referring: Belova G. A. Ivanov S. V. Preliminary report on the work of the CES RAS archaeological mission at Deir El-Banat (Fayoum). The 14th season (March 3 — April 24, 2019) // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2019): 1–30. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00014.

Preliminary results of archaeological research conducted by the CES RAS at Kom Tuman (Memphis) in spring 2023
3, 2023
Referring: Belova G. A., Ivanov S. V. Preliminary results of archaeological research conducted by the CES RAS at Kom Tuman (Memphis) in spring 2023 // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2023): 31–45. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00010.

Preliminary results of archaeological research conducted by the CES RAS at Kom Tuman (Memphis) in the season 2021
3, 2022
Referring: Belova G. A., Ivanov S. V. Preliminary results of archaeological research conducted by the CES RAS at Kom Tuman (Memphis) in the season 2021 // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2022): 1–34. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00008.

Previously unknown element in construction of ancient Egyptian ships from the Late Period and its probable designation
4, 2023
Referring: Belova G. A., Belov А. А. Previously unknown element in construction of ancient Egyptian ships from the Late Period and its probable designation // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2023): 1–9. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00014.

Russian underwater archaeological mission to Alexandria. General report (2003–2015)
3, 2019
Referring: Belova G. A., Ivanov S. V., Belov A. A., Laemmel S. Russian underwater archaeological mission to Alexandria. General report (2003–2015) // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2019): 1–31. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00005.

Tekstil'nyi kompleks iz mogily 386: opyt atributsii [Textiles from the grave 386: experience of attribution]
1, 2024
Referring: Belova G. А., Pavlova N. А. Textiles from the grave 386: experience of attribution [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2024): 3–43. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2024-00001.


Ekhnaton i Nefertiti – novaia bozhestvennaia para? K voprosu ob interpretatsii obraza tsarskoi chety [Akhenaten and Nefertiti — a new divine couple? On the question of interpretation of the image of the royal couple]
1, 2024
Referring: Bolshakov V. А. Akhenaten and Nefertiti – a new divine couple? On the question of interpretation of the image of the royal couple [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2024): 44–58. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2024-00002.


Paleopatologicheskii analiz mumifitsirovannykh ostankov liudei iz pogrebenii greko-rimskogo vremeni v Faiiumskom oazise v Egipte [Paleopathological analysis of mummified human remains from burials of Greco-Roman times in the Fayum oasis of Egypt]
4, 2021
Reffering: Borutskaya S. B., Vasilyev S. V., Kharlamova N. V. Paleopathological analysis of mummified human remains from burials of Greco-Roman times in the Fayum oasis of Egypt [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2021): 21–34. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2021-00019.

Paleopatologicheskii analiz ostankov liudei iz fivanskoi grobnitsy TT-23 (Luksor, Egipet) [Paleopathological analysis of human remains from the Theban Tomb TT 23 (Luxor, Egypt)]
1, 2023
Reffering: Borutskaya S. B., Vasilyev S. V., Kharlamova N. V. Paleopathological analysis of human remains from the Theban Tomb TT 23 (Luxor, Egypt) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2023): 1–11. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00001.

Polovozrastnoi analiz osteologicheskikh materialov iz grobnitsy TT-23 (Luksor, Egipet) [Sex and age analysis according to the study of osteological materials from the tomb TT 23 (Luxor, Egypt)]
4, 2022
Reffering: Vasilyev S. V., Ivanov S. V., Borutskaya S. B. Sex and age analysis according to the study of osteological materials from the tomb TT 23 (Luxor, Egypt) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2022): 1–10. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00012.


'K Demoniku' (Psevdo-)Isokrata v pozdneantichnoi traditsii: P. Ross. Georg. I. 16 i drugie fragmenty iz Egipta [(Pseudo-)Isocrates' 'Ad Demonicum' in late Antique tradition: P. Ross. Georg. I. 16 and other fragments from Egypt]
1, 2019
Reffering: Chepel E. Yu. (Pseudo-)Isocrates' 'Ad Demonicum' in late Antique tradition: P. Ross. Georg. I. 16 and other fragments from Egypt [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2019): 49–58. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00004.

Kak prevratit' Afiny v Egipet: ob odnom fragmente uteryannoi komedii Aristofana 'Vremena goda' [How to transform Athens into Egypt: a fragment of Arstiphanes’ lost comedy ‘Seasons’]
3, 2019
Referring: Chepel E. Yu. How to transform Athens into Egypt: a fragment of Arstiphanes’ lost comedy ‘Seasons’ [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2019): 75–81. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00009.

Memfis v rimskoe vremya kak administrativnyi tsentr i stolitsa noma [Memphis in Roman times — administrative centre and nome capital: a survey of papyrus sources]
4, 2019
Reffering: Chepel E. Yu. Memphis in Roman times — administrative centre and nome capital: a survey of papyrus sources [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2019): 55–66. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00013.

Novoe grecheskoe imia egipetskogo boga v rimskom Memfise [New Greek name of an Egyptian god in Roman Memphis]
3, 2022
Reffering: Chepel E. Yu. New Greek name of an Egyptian god in Roman Memphis [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2022): 62–66. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00011.

Obraz inostrantsa i inostrannogo v drevnegrecheskoi tragedii [The image of foreigners and foreignness in Greek tragedy]
2, 2019
Referring: Chepel E. Yu. The image of foreigners and foreignness in Greek tragedy [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2019): 40–56. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00016.

Papirusy iz sobraniia Muzeia istorii Permskogo universiteta: predvaritel'nye rezul'taty izucheniia [The papyrus collection of Perm State University: an overview and prospects for future research]
1, 2020
Referring: Miroshnikov I. Yu., Chepel E. Yu., Shavrin Ya. The papyrus collection of Perm State University: an overview and prospects for future research [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2020): 32–44. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2020-00003.

Review of: I. Rutherford (ed.), Greco-Egyptian interactions: literature, translation, and culture, 500 BC — AD 300. Oxford: Oxford University press, 2016
1, 2018
Referring: Chepel. E. Yu. I. Rutherford (ed.), Greco-Egyptian interactions: literature, translation, and culture, 500 BC — AD 300. Oxford: Oxford University press, 2016 [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2018): 1–4. Digital resource, mode access:

Russian collections of Greek papyri and history of their publication: an overview (with the catalogue of Greek papyri held at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow)
3, 2018
Referring: Chepel. E. Yu. Russian collections of Greek papyri and history of their publication: an overview (with the catalogue of Greek papyri held at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow) // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2018): 57–80. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2018-00014.

'Zhelaiushchie prinesti dary po blagochestiiu s drevnikh vremen': Chastnye pozhertvovaniia na khramovye prazdniki v greko–rimskom Egipte [‘Those who want to donate out of piety from ancient times’: Private gifts for temple festivals in Greco-Roman Egypt]
4, 2023
Reffering: Chepel E. Yu. ‘Those who want to donate out of piety from ancient times’: Private gifts for temple festivals in Greco-Roman Egypt [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2023): 62–71. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00017.


Raboty Antuana Meie po indoevropeiskomu imennomu predlozheniiu i problemy egipetskoi filologii [Works by Antoine Meillet on the Indo-European nominal sentence and issues of Egyptian philology]
1, 2018
Referring: Chetverukhin А. S. Works by Antoine Meillet on the Indo-European nominal sentence and issues of Egyptian philology [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2018): 1–9. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2018-00004.


Obzor sovremennoi angloyazychnoi literatury po pravu v ellinisticheskom Egipte [An overview of modern English literature on the legal system in Hellenistic Egypt]
4, 2019
Referring: Davydova A. B. An overview of modern English literature on the legal system in Hellenistic Egypt [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2019): 70–74. Digital resource, mode access:


Krashenie tekstilia v Egipte: okraska sherstianykh volokon marenoi krasil'noi [Dyeing of textiles in Egypt: the common madder]
1, 2019
Reffering: Golikov V. P. Dyeing of textiles in Egypt: the common madder [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2019): 28–35. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00002.

Problemy vzaimodeistviia tekhnologii i kul'tury [Interaction of technologies and culture]
2, 2018
Referring: Golikov V. P. Interaction of technologies and culture [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2018): 1–9. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2018-00006.

Sinii tsvet v Egipte [The blue colour in Egypt]
1, 2020
Referring: Golikov V. P. The blue colour in Egypt [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2020): 23–31. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2020-00002.


'Faces' of Deir el-Banat
2, 2019
Referring: Ivanov S. V. 'Faces' of Deir el-Banat // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2019): 31–39. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00015.

Funerary сones from the Tomb of Tjay (TT 23)
4, 2021
Referring: Ivanov S. V. Funerary сones from the Tomb of Tjay (TT 23) // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2021): 35–62. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2021-00026.

Greco-Roman coffins from Deir el-Banat (Fayoum)
4, 2017
Referring: Ivanov S. V. Greco-Roman coffins from Deir el-Banat (Fayoum) // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2017): 1–13. Digital resource, mode access:

K voprosu o keramicheskikh zhertvennikakh iz Memfisa [To the question of ceramic offering trays from Memphis]
3, 2019
Referring: Ivanov S. V. To the question of ceramic offering trays from Memphis [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2019): 32–41. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00006.

Kom Tuman. Season 2016
4, 2016
Referring: Belova G. A., Ivanov S. V. Kom Tuman. Season 2016 // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2016): 23–30. Digital resource, mode access:

Masterskie po obrabotke kamnia na Kom-Tumane (Memfis) [Stoneworking ateliers at Kom Tuman (Memphis)]
4, 2022
Referring: Ivanov S. V. Stoneworking ateliers at Kom Tuman (Memphis)t [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2022): 11–26. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00013.

'Netipichnye' terrakoty iz Memfisa II. Figurka koshki ['Unusual' terracottas from Memphis II. A figurine of a cat]
4, 2018
Referring: Ivanov S. V. 'Unusual' terracottas from Memphis II. A figurine of a cat [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2018): 1–11. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2018-00016.

New data on the Apries’ palace complex
3, 2022
Referring: Belova G. A., Ivanov S. V. New data on the Apries’ palace complex // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2022): 35–48. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00009.

Pamiati Edvarda Loringa (1937–2015) [In memory of Edward Loring (1937–2015)]
2, 2016
Referring: Ivanov S. V. In memory of Edward Loring (1937–2015) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2016): 43–55. Digital resource, mode access:

Polovozrastnoi analiz osteologicheskikh materialov iz grobnitsy TT-23 (Luksor, Egipet) [Sex and age analysis according to the study of osteological materials from the tomb TT 23 (Luxor, Egypt)]
4, 2022
Reffering: Vasilyev S. V., Ivanov S. V., Borutskaya S. B. Sex and age analysis according to the study of osteological materials from the tomb TT 23 (Luxor, Egypt) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2022): 1–10. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00012.

Preliminary report on the work of the CES RAS archaeological mission at Deir el-Banat (Fayoum). The 14th season (March 3 — April 24, 2019)
2, 2019
Referring: Belova G. A., Ivanov S. V. Preliminary report on the work of the CES RAS archaeological mission at Deir el-Banat (Fayoum). The 14th season (March 3 — April 24, 2019) // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2019): 1–30. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00014.

Preliminary results of archaeological research conducted by the CES RAS at Kom Tuman (Memphis) in spring 2023
3, 2023
Referring: Belova G. A., Ivanov S. V. Preliminary results of archaeological research conducted by the CES RAS at Kom Tuman (Memphis) in spring 2023 // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2023): 31–45. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00010. Preliminary results of archaeological research conducted by the CES RAS at Kom Tuman (Memphis) in the season 2021
3, 2022
Referring: Belova G. A., Ivanov S. V. Preliminary results of archaeological research conducted by the CES RAS at Kom Tuman (Memphis) in the season 2021 // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2022): 1–34. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00008.

Russian underwater archaeological mission to Alexandria. General report (2003–2015)
3, 2019
Referring: Belova G. A., Ivanov S. V., Belov A. A., Laemmel S. Russian underwater archaeological mission to Alexandria. General report (2003–2015) // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2019): 1–31. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00005.

Statuary of the tomb of Tjay (ТТ 23)
1, 2023
Reffering: Ivanov S. V. Statuary of the tomb of Tjay (ТТ 23) // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2023): 12–30. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2023-00002.

Tat'iana Nikolaevna Savel'eva (1916–1999)
1, 2017
Referring: Ivanov S. V. Tat'iana Nikolaevna Savel'eva (1916–1999) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2017): 76–86. Digital resource, mode access:

The granite sarcophagus of Tjay
4, 2019
Reffering: Ivanov S. V. The granite sarcophagus of Tjay // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2019): 1–14. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00010.

The tomb of Tjay (TT 23). Progress report
2, 2018
Referring: Ivanov S. V. The tomb of Tjay (TT 23). Progress report // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2018): 1–17. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2018-00007.


Paleopatologicheskii analiz mumifitsirovannykh ostankov liudei iz pogrebenii greko-rimskogo vremeni v Faiiumskom oazise v Egipte [Paleopathological analysis of mummified human remains from burials of Greco-Roman times in the Fayum oasis of Egypt]
4, 2021
Reffering: Borutskaya S. B., Vasilyev S. V., Kharlamova N. V. Paleopathological analysis of mummified human remains from burials of Greco-Roman times in the Fayum oasis of Egypt [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2021): 21–34. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2021-00019.

Paleopatologicheskii analiz ostankov liudei iz fivanskoi grobnitsy TT-23 (Luksor, Egipet) [Paleopathological analysis of human remains from the Theban Tomb TT 23 (Luxor, Egypt)]
1, 2023
Reffering: Borutskaya S. B., Vasilyev S. V., Kharlamova N. V. Paleopathological analysis of human remains from the Theban Tomb TT 23 (Luxor, Egypt) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2023): 1–11. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00001.


Bal'zamirovanie v drevneegipetskom pogrebal'nom obriade (po materialam grobnitsy TT-23 v Luksore) [Embalming in Ancient Egyptian funeral rite (according to materials from TT 23 in Luxor)]
4, 2021
Referring: Kitova А. О. Embalming in Ancient Egyptian funeral rite (according to materials from TT 23 in Luxor) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2021): 63–70. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2021-00024.

K voprosu o vozmozhnosti datirovaniia pogrebenii s mumifitsirovannymi ostankami s pomoshch'iu analiza sostava bal'zamiruiushchikh veshchestv [Some considerations on the possibility of dating burials with mummified remains by analyzing the composition of embalming substances]
4, 2017
Referring: Kitova А. О. Some considerations on the possibility of dating burials with mummified remains by analyzing the composition of embalming substances [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2017). Digital resource, mode access:

Mumifikatsiia v Drevnem Egipte: istoriia izucheniia, sovremennye metody issledovaniia [Mummification in Ancient Egypt: historiography and modern methods of studying]
4, 2016
Referring: Kitova А. О. Mummification in Ancient Egypt: historiography and modern methods of studying [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2017): 31–41. Digital resource, mode access:

Mumii i mumifikatsiia v kul'turah raznykh narodov [Mummies and mummification in different cultures]
4, 2018
Referring: Kitova А. О. Mummies and mummification in different cultures [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2018): 1–5. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2018-00020.

Osobennosti protsedury mumifikatsii v Drevnem Egipte. K voprosu o razrabotke metodiki opisaniia mumifitsirovannykh ostankov iz arkheologicheskikh raskopok [Features of the mummification procedure in Ancient Egypt. Considerations on elaborating a technique for describing mummified remains from archaeological excavations]
3, 2017
Referring: Kitova A. O. Features of the mummification procedure in Ancient Egypt. Considerations on elaborating a technique for describing mummified remains from archaeological excavations [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2017). Digital resource, mode access:

Predvaritel'nyi otchet o rabote s mumifitsirovannymi ostankami iz grobnitsy TT 23 v Luksore (po materialam polevogo sezona 2019 g.) [Preliminary report on work with mummified remains from the tomb TT 23 in Luxor. Season 2019]
4, 2019
Referring: Kitova A. O. Preliminary report on work with mummified remains from the tomb TT 23 in Luxor. Season 2019 [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2019): 15–31. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00011.

Paleoantropologicheskie materialy s nekropolia Deir-el'-Banat (po rezul'tatam arkheologicheskikh rabot v 2014‒2022 gg.) [Paleoanthropological materials from the Deir el-Banat necropolis (based on the results of archaeological works of 2014–2022)]
1, 2024
Referring: Kitova А. О. Paleoanthropological materials from the Deir el-Banat necropolis (based on the results of archaeological works of 2014–2022) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2024): 59–86. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2024-00003.


Tekstil'nye tekhnologii Egipta: viazanie i nalbinding [Textile technologies of Egypt: knitting and nalbinding]
4, 2021
Referring: Kliuchnikova D. O. Textile technologies of Egypt: knitting and nalbinding [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2021): 71–87. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2021-00021.


Russian underwater archaeological mission to Alexandria. General report (2003–2015)
3, 2019
Referring: Belova G. A., Ivanov S. V., Belov A. A., Laemmel S. Russian underwater archaeological mission to Alexandria. General report (2003–2015) // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2019): 1–31. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00005.


O nekotorykh osobennostiakh leksiki Ramesseiskogo dramaticheskogo papirusa (P. Ramesseum B iz Britanskogo muzeia) [Some peculiarities of a vocabulary of Ramesseum Dramatic Papyrus]
1, 2016
Referring: Lavrentieva M. Yu. Some peculiarities of a vocabulary of Ramesseum Dramatic Papyrus [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2016): 2–17. Digital resource, mode access:


Pamiati druga, tovarishcha, kollegi... k. i. n. A. M. Smirnova (27 aprelia 1947 g., Daugavpils — 18 noiabria 2022 g., Pushkin) [In memory of a friend, comrade, colleague... Dr. A. M. Smirnov (April 27, 1947, Daugavpils — November 18, 2022, Pushkin)]
1, 2023
Referring: Vinokurov N. I., Belova G. A., Litvinenko S. V. In memory of a friend, comrade, colleague... Dr. A. M. Smirnov (April 27, 1947, Daugavpils — November 18, 2022, Pushkin) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2023): 54–53. Digital source, mode access:

Studies of the Fayoum oasis written by Russian speaking scholars over the last decade (2012–2022). Part 1. Archaeology and history
4, 2022
Referring: Litvinenko S. V. Studies of the Fayoum oasis written by Russian speaking scholars over the last decade (2012–2022). Part 1. Archaeology and history // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2022): 27–44. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00014.

Studies of the Fayoum oasis written by Russian speaking scholars over the last decade (2012–2022). Part 2. Physical anthropology, papyrology, museum collections, art and culture, history of everyday life
1, 2023
Referring: Litvinenko S. V. Studies of the Fayoum oasis written by Russian speaking scholars over the last decade (2012–2022). Part 2. Physical anthropology, papyrology, museum collections, art and culture, history of everyday life // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2022): 31–53. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00003.


Koptskie rukopisi iz chastnogo sobraniia 'Ilves' (Khel'sinki, Finliandiia) [Coptic manuscripts in the Ilves collection (Helsinki, Finland)]
4, 2016
Referring: Miroshnikov I. Yu. Coptic manuscripts in the Ilves collection (Helsinki, Finland) [in Russian]  // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2016): 42–44. Digital resource, mode access:

Mezhdunarodnyi issledovatel'skii proekt po izdaniiu rukopisei na faiiumskom dialekte koptskogo iazyka [An international project to edit manuscripts in dialect F5]
4, 2018
Referring: Miroshnikov I. Yu. An international project to edit manuscripts in dialect F5 [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2018): 1–4. Digital resource, mode access:

Papirusy iz sobraniia Muzeia istorii Permskogo universiteta: predvaritel'nye rezul'taty izucheniia [The papyrus collection of Perm State University: an overview and prospects for future research]
1, 2020
Referring: Miroshnikov I. Yu., Chepel E. Yu., Shavrin Ya. The papyrus collection of Perm State University: an overview and prospects for future research [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2020): 32–44. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2020-00003.


K voprosu o nekotorykh osobennostiakh monumental'noi syrtsovoi arkhitektury Saisskogo perioda [On the question of some features of the monumental mud brick architecture of the Saite period]
4, 2023
Referring: Murashko А. V. On the question of some features of the monumental mud brick architecture of the Saite period [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2023): 10–36. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00015.


Kak kul'tura preodolela negativnyi stereotip: portret mavretanskogo tsaria Iuby II v kontekste rimskikh etnicheskikh predrassudkov [How the culture overcame a negative stereotype: the portrait of king Juba II of Mauretania in the context of Roman ethnic prejudices]
2, 2017
Referring: Nikishin V. O. How the culture overcame a negative stereotype: the portrait of king Juba II of Mauretania in the context of Roman ethnic prejudices [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2017): 1–17. Digital resource, mode access:


Chastnye voprosy memfisskoi toponimiki: chto novogo predlagaet fragment Pap. Harris I, 49, 1–3 dlia uiasneniia znacheniia glavnogo epiteta Ptakha? [Particular issues of Memphis toponymy: what is new in the fragment Pap. Harris I, 49, 1–3 to understand the meaning of Ptah’s main epithet?]
3, 2022
Referring: Orekhov R. А. Particular issues of Memphis toponymy: what is new in the fragment Pap. Harris I, 49, 1–3 to understand the meaning of Ptah’s main epithet? [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2022): 49–61. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00010.

Chastnye voprosy memfisskoi toponimiki: k ponimaniiu epiteta Khatkhor "vladychitsa sten (steny)" (Pap. Bremner-Rhind 19.24; 20.10) [Particular issues of Memphis toponymy: reconsidering Hathor’s epithet "the mistress of walls (wall)" (Pap. Bremner-Rhind 19.24; 20.10)]
4, 2022
Referring: Orekhov R. А. Particular issues of Memphis toponymy: reconsidering Hathor’s epithet "the mistress of walls (wall)" (Pap. Bremner-Rhind 19.24; 20.10) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2022): 45–54. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00015.

Chastnye voprosy memfisskoi toponimiki: toponim "Belye Steny' v kontseptsii Ia. Maleka [Particular issues of Memphis toponymy: The toponym of the White Walls in the concept of J. Malek]
1, 2024
Referring: Orekhov R. А. Particular issues of Memphis toponymy: The toponym of the White Walls in the concept of J. Malek [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2024): 87–103. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2024-00004.

K interpretatsii i lokalizatsii 'zmeinoi stely' Necherikheta (Dzhosera) [Interpretation and localization of Netjerykhet’s (Djoser’s) 'Serpent Stela']
1, 2016
Referring: Orekhov R. A. Interpretation and localization of Netjerykhet’s (Djoser’s) 'Serpent Stela' [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2016): 18–33. Digital resource, mode access:

K voprosu o mestonakhozhdenii Memfisa v period Rannego tsarstva [Reconsidering theories on location of ancient Memphis during the Early Kingdom]
3, 2016
Referring: Orekhov R. A. Reconsidering theories on location of ancient Memphis during the Early Kingdom [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2016): 1–22. Digital resource, mode access:

K voprosu o mestopolozhenii Memfisa v period Drevnego tsarstva [Reconsidering theories on location of ancient Memphis during the Old Kingdom]
4, 2016
Referring: Orekhov R. A. Reconsidering theories on location of ancient Memphis during the Old Kingdom [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2016): 45–63. Digital resource, mode access:

K voprosu ob iznachal'nom raspolozhenii Ankh-taui [Some considerations on localization of Ankh-tawy]
2, 2022
Referring: Orekhov R. A. Some considerations on localization of Ankh-tawy [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2022): 11–22. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00005.

Nekotorye zamechaniya o prirode drevneegipetskogo zemlepol'zovaniya v nachale IV dinastii (po materialam perepiski T. N. Savel'evoi i Iu. Ia. Perepelkina) [Several remarks on ancient Egyptian land use at the time of the 4th Dynasty (according to letters by T. N. Savelieva and Yu. Ya. Perepelkin)]
3, 2019
Referring: Orekhov R. A. Several remarks on ancient Egyptian land use at the time of the 4th Dynasty (according to letters by T. N. Savelieva and Yu. Ya. Perepelkin) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2019): 42–52. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00007.

O nekotorykh aspektakh formirovaniia drevneegipetskogo gosudarstva: razmyshleniia nad gipotezami Zh. Verkuttera [On some aspects of formation of the Ancient Egyptian state: reflections on the hypotheses of J. Vercoutter]
4, 2021
Referring: Orekhov R. А. On some aspects of formation of the Ancient Egyptian state: reflections on the hypotheses of J. Vercoutter [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2021): 93–99. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2021-00023.

O nekotorykh prirodno-ekologicheskikh faktorakh upadka severnoi stolitsy Egipta — Per-Ramsesa [Several nature and ecological factors of fall of an Egyptian northern capital — Pi-Ramesses]
1, 2022
Referring: Orekhov R. А. Several nature and ecological factors of fall of an Egyptian northern capital — Pi-Ramesses [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2022): 1–10. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00001.

Ob argumentatsii Iu. Ia. Perepelkina v pol'zu perevoda na russkii iazyk egipetskogo termina "meret" (mr.t) slovom "cheliad" [Perepelkin’s arguments in favour of translating an Egyptian mr.t as ‘tchelyad’]
4, 2021
Referring: Orekhov R. А. Yu. Ya. Perepelkin’s arguments in favour of translating an Egyptian mr.t as ‘tchelyad’ [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2021): 88–92. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2021-00022.

Ob odnoi neobychnoi nadpisi, zainteresovavshei O. D. Berleva (po materialam arkhiva T. N. Savel'evoi) [One unusual inscription that interested O. D. Berlev (based on the archive of T. N. Savelieva)]
2, 2023
Referring: Orekhov R. А. One unusual inscription that interested O. D. Berlev (based on the archive of T. N. Savelieva) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2023): 20–31. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00005.

Oleg Dmitrievich Berlev — chelovek, ozhivivshii Drevnii Egipet [Oleg Berlev: A man, who has brought life to the history of Ancient Egypt]
2, 2023
Referring: Orekhov R. А. Oleg Berlev: A man, who has brought life to the history of Ancient Egypt [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2023): 32–47. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00006.

Putiami Sinukheta (rassmotrenie gipotezy Kh. Gëdike) [By the ways of Sinuhet (consideration of the hypothesis of H. Goedicke)]
4, 2023
Referring: Orekhov R. А. By the ways of Sinuhet (consideration of the hypothesis of H. Goedicke) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2023): 37–61. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00016.

Review of: P. M. L. Gonçalves, Landscape and environmental changes at Memphis during the dynastic period in Egypt. Cambridge, 2018
1, 2019
Reffering: Orekhov R. A. P. M. L. Gonçalves, Landscape and environmental changes at Memphis during the dynastic period in Egypt. Cambridge, 2018 [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2019): 59–68. Digital resource, mode access:

S. A. Stadnikov i razmyshleniia nad ego perevodom 'Povesti Sinukheta' [S. A. Stadnikov and some considerations on his translation of the 'Story of Sinuhe']
3, 2018
Referring: Orekhov R. A. S. A. Stadnikov and some considerations on his translation of the 'Story of Sinuhe' // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2018): 2–12. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2018-00011.

Triady Menkaura. Popytka novogo prochteniia, ili Nekotorye kriticheskie zamechaniia k teorii F. D. Fridman [The Menkaure triads reconsidered, or some critical notes on the F. D. Friedman’s theory]
2, 2017
Referring: Orekhov R. A. The Menkaure triads reconsidered, or some critical notes on the F. D. Friedman’s theory [in Russian]  // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2017): 18–33. Digital resource, mode access:


Arkheologicheskii tekstil' kak indikator obshchestvennykh otnoshenii i religioznykh predstavlenii v Egipte [Archaeological textiles as an indicator of social relations and religious beliefs in Egypt]
1, 2024
Referring: Orfinskaya O. V. Archaeological textiles as an indicator of social relations and religious beliefs in Egypt [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2024): 104–118. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2024-00005.

Drevneegipetskie sandalii iz grobnitsy chinovnika Chai (TT 23) [Ancient Egyptian sandals from the tomb of Tchai (ТТ 23)]
1, 2018
Referring: Orfinskaya O. V. Ancient Egyptian sandals from the tomb of Tchai (ТТ 23) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2018): 1–13. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2018-00002.

Lenta, tes'ma, bint: k voprosu o tekstil'noi terminologii [Ribbon, tape, braid, bandage: some particular questions of textile terminology]
3, 2016
Referring: Orfinskaya O. V. Ribbon, tape, braid, bandage: some particular questions of textile terminology // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2016): 22–46. Digital resource, mode access:

Lenta, tkannaia na doshchechkakh, s nekropolia Deir-al'-Banat: k voprosu o tkan'e na doshchechkakh [A tablet-woven ribbon from the necropolis of Deir al-Banat: some considerations on tablet-weaving]
1, 2019
Referring: Orfinskaya O. V. A tablet-woven ribbon from the necropolis of Deir al-Banat: some considerations on tablet-weaving [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2019): 36–48. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00003.

Novyi vzglyad na privychnye terminy (opisanie tkanei iz grobnitsy TT 23) [Reconsidering terms: description of textiles from TT 23]
4, 2019
Reffering: Orfinskaya O. V. Reconsidering terms: description of textiles from TT 23 [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2019): 32–54. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00012.

Pervichnaya restavratsiya tekstilya iz grobnitsy TT 23 [Conservation of textiles from TT 23. Season 2019]
3, 2019
Referring: Orfinskaya O. V. Conservation of textiles from TT 23. Season 2019 [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2019): 53–74. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00008.

Predvaritel'nye rezul'taty issledovaniia tekstil'nogo materiala iz fivanskoi grobnitsy Chai (TT 23): k voprosu o vyrabotke metodiki izucheniia drevneegipetskogo arkheologicheskogo tekstilia [Ancient textiles from the tomb of Thay (TT 23): considerations on elaborating of approaches and preliminary results of studies]
4, 2016
Referring: Orfinskaya O. V., Tolmacheva E. G. Ancient textiles from the tomb of Thay (TT 23): considerations on elaborating of approaches and preliminary results of studies [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2016): 64–110. Digital resource, mode access:

Tekstil'nye tekhnologii Egipta: dekorirovanie tkanei [Textile technologies of Egypt: decorations]
1, 2022
Referring: Orfinskaya O. V. Textile technologies of Egypt: decorations [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2022): 11–39. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00002.

Tekstil'nye tekhnologii Egipta: grubye pogrebal'nye peleny [Textile technologies of Egypt: coarse funeral shrouds]
2, 2022
Referring: Orfinskaya O. V. Textile technologies of Egypt: coarse funeral shrouds [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2022): 23–68. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00006.

Tekstil'nye tekhnologii Egipta: odezhda [Textile technologies of Egypt: clothing]
1, 2022
Referring: Orfinskaya O. V. Textile technologies of Egypt: clothing [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2022): 40–67. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00003.

Tekstil'nye tekhnologii Egipta: poshiv i remont tekstil'nykh izdelii [Textile technologies of Egypt: sewing and repair]
2, 2023
Referring: Orfinskaya O. V. Textile technologies of Egypt: sewing and repair [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2023): 48–100. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00007.

Tekstil'nye tekhnologii Egipta: tekhnika spreng [Textile technologies of Egypt: sprang]
3, 2023
Referring: Orfinskaya O. V., Pavlova N. A. Textile technologies of Egypt: sprang [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2023): 46–83. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2023-00011.

Tekstil'nye tekhnologii Egipta: syr'evaia baza [Raw materials in Egyptian textile industry]
1, 2020
Referring: Orfinskaya O. V. Raw materials in Egyptian textile industry [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2020): 45–68. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2020-00004.

Valerii Platonovich Golikov (1938–2018)
2, 2018
Referring: Orfinskaya O. V. Valerii Platonovich Golikov (1938–2018) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2018): 1–3. Digital resource, mode access:


Tekstil'nye tekhnologii Egipta: tekhnika spreng [Textile technologies of Egypt: sprang]
3, 2023
Referring: Orfinskaya O. V., Pavlova N. A. Textile technologies of Egypt: sprang [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2023): 46–83. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2023-00011.

Tekstil'nyi kompleks iz mogily 386: opyt atributsii [Textiles from the grave 386: experience of attribution]
1, 2024
Referring: Belova G. А., Pavlova N. А. Textiles from the grave 386: experience of attribution [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2024): 3–43. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2024-00001.


Review of: N. A. Pomerantseva, Fenomen kanona v iskusstve Drevnego Egipta. M.: BuksMArt, 2018 [N. A. Pomerantseva, The canon phenomenon in Ancient Egyptian art, Moscow, 2018]
2, 2019
Referring: Reunov Yu. S. N. A.Pomerantseva, The canon phenomenon in Ancient Egyptian art, Moscow, 2018 [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2019): 64–68. Digital resource, mode access:


Sergei Alekseevich Stadnikov (1956–2015) — egiptolog, istorik, gid, perevodchik, publitsist i entsiklopedist [Sergei Alekseevich Stadnikov (1956–2015) — Egyptologist, historian, guide, translator, journalist and encyclopedist]
3, 2018
Referring: Sazonov V. Sergei Alekseevich Stadnikov (1956–2015) — Egyptologist, historian, guide, translator, journalist and encyclopedist [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2018): 13–19. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2018-00012.


Papirusy iz sobraniia Muzeia istorii Permskogo universiteta: predvaritel'nye rezul'taty izucheniia [The papyrus collection of Perm State University: an overview and prospects for future research]
1, 2020
Referring: Miroshnikov I. Yu., Chepel E. Yu., Shavrin Ya. The papyrus collection of Perm State University: an overview and prospects for future research [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2020): 32–44. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2020-00003.


Fantasticheskie obrazy v dodinasticheskom i rannedinasticheskom Egipte [Fantastic images in Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt]
2, 2018
Referring: Sherkova Т. А. Fantastic images in predynastic and early dynastic Egypt [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2018): 1–15. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2018-00009.

Khaos i kosmos: analiz panno iz grobnitsy 100 v Ierakonpole v kontekste arkheologicheskikh i ikonograficheskikh issledovanii dodinasticheskogo Egipta [Chaos and cosmos: analysis of the mural from the tomb 100 in Hierakonpolis in context of archaeological and iconographic studies of predynastic Egypt]
3, 2019
Referring: Sherkova Т. А. Chaos and cosmos: analysis of the mural from the tomb 100 in Hierakonpolis in context of archaeological and iconographic studies of predynastic Egypt [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2019). DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00018.

Unikal'nyi raspisnoi sosud kul'tury Nagada II [A unique painted vessel of the Naqada II period]
4, 2018
Referring: Sherkova Т. А. A unique painted vessel of the Naqada II period [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2018): 1–17. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2018-00017.


'Brachnaia stela' Ramsesa II iz Abu-Simbela. Perevod i kommentarii [The 'Marriage stela' of Ramesses II from Abu Simbel. Translation and commentary]
1, 2017
Referring: Shestakova O. Yu. The 'Marriage stela' of Ramesses II from Abu Simbel. Translation and commentary [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2017): 24–75. Digital resource, mode access:


Novyi vzgliad na pis'mo Markiana k Isaku (P. Ross. Georg. III 9) [A New Look at Markianos’ Letter to Isak (P. Ross. Georg. III 9)] II period]
3, 2023
Referring: Sonina A. E. A New Look at Markianos’ Letter to Isak (P. Ross. Georg. III 9) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2023): 84–93. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2023-00012.


Povest' o Sinukhete [Story of Sinuhe]
3, 2018
Referring: Stadnikov S. A. Story of Sinuhe [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2018): 20–56. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2018-00013.
A facsimile version of the manuscript is also available.


10th Textiles from the Nile Valley conference / X konferentsiia rabochei gruppy 'Tekstil' dolony Nila'. 27–29 oktiabria 2017 g. [October 27–29, 2017]
3, 2017
Referring: Tolmacheva E. G. 10th Textiles from the Nile Valley conference. October 27–29, 2017 [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2017): 56–63. Digital resource, mode access:

Al-Mu'allaqa church in Old Cairo: history, legends and conservation
1, 2018
Referring: Tolmacheva E. G. Al-Muʽallaqa church in Old Cairo: history, legends and conservation // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2018): 1–37. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2018-00003.

Inter'ernaia 'tkan' s petukhami' iz raskopok Tsentra egiptologicheskikh issledovanii RAN na nekropole Deir-al'-Banat (Faium): k voprosu o simvolike petukha v pozdneantichnom Egipte (chast' 1) [A household textile with roosters tapestries from CES RAS excavations at the Deir al-Banat necropolis. Some considerarions on the roosters' symbolism in Late Antique Egypt (part 1)]
3, 2017
Referring: Tolmacheva E. G. A household textile with roosters tapestries from CES RAS excavations at the Deir al-Banat necropolis. Some considerarions on the roosters' symbolism in Late Antique Egypt (part 1) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2017): 1–34. Digital resource, mode access:

K voprosu o simvolike i znachenii obraza tsapli Benu v 'ofitsial'noi' i 'narodnoi' religiiakh: osiricheskii i ritual'nyi aspekty [Reconsideration of symbolic meaning and functions of benu-bird in the context of 'folk' and 'theological' models of ancient egyptian religion: the osirian and ritual aspects]
2, 2016
Referring: Tolmacheva E. G. Reconsideration of symbolic meaning and functions of benu-bird in the context of 'folk' and 'theological' models of ancient egyptian religion: the osirian and ritual aspects [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2016): 1–28. Digital resource, mode access:

Predvaritel'nye rezul'taty issledovaniia tekstil'nogo materiala iz fivanskoi grobnitsy Chai (TT 23): k voprosu o vyrabotke metodiki izucheniia drevneegipetskogo arkheologicheskogo tekstilia [Ancient textiles from the tomb of Thay (TT 23): considerations on elaborating of approaches and preliminary results of studies]
4, 2016
Referring: Orfinskaya O. V., Tolmacheva E. G. Ancient textiles from the tomb of Thay (TT 23): considerations on elaborating of approaches and preliminary results of studies [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2016): 64–110. Digital resource, mode access:

Preliminary report on conservation and studies of the archaeological textiles from TT 23 (season 2018)
2, 2018
Referring: Tolmacheva E. G. Preliminary report on conservation and studies of the archaeological textiles from TT 23 (season 2018) // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2018): 1–18. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2018-00008.

Seminar po arkheologicheskomu tekstiliu v Nemetskom arkheologicheskom institute (Kair, ARE) [Seminar on archeological textiles at the German Archaeological Institute (Cairo, ARE)]
2, 2017
Referring: Tolmacheva E. G. Seminar on archeological textiles at the German Archaeological Institute (Cairo, ARE) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2017): 34–35. Digital resource, mode access:

The Ninth International Conference 'Textiles from the Nile Valley'
3, 2016
Reffering: Tolmacheva E. G. The Ninth International Conference 'Textiles from the Nile Valley' // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2016): 47–50. Digital resource, mode access:


Paleopatologicheskii analiz mumifitsirovannykh ostankov liudei iz pogrebenii greko-rimskogo vremeni v Faiiumskom oazise v Egipte [Paleopathological analysis of mummified human remains from burials of Greco-Roman times in the Fayum oasis of Egypt]
4, 2021
Reffering: Borutskaya S. B., Vasilyev S. V., Kharlamova N. V. Paleopathological analysis of mummified human remains from burials of Greco-Roman times in the Fayum oasis of Egypt [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2021): 21–34. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2021-00019.

Paleopatologicheskii analiz ostankov liudei iz fivanskoi grobnitsy TT-23 (Luksor, Egipet) [Paleopathological analysis of human remains from the Theban Tomb TT 23 (Luxor, Egypt)]
1, 2023
Reffering: Borutskaya S. B., Vasilyev S. V., Kharlamova N. V. Paleopathological analysis of human remains from the Theban Tomb TT 23 (Luxor, Egypt) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2023): 1–11. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00001.

Polovozrastnoi analiz osteologicheskikh materialov iz grobnitsy TT-23 (Luksor, Egipet) [Sex and age analysis according to the study of osteological materials from the tomb TT 23 (Luxor, Egypt)]
4, 2022
Reffering: Vasilyev S. V., Ivanov S. V., Borutskaya S. B. Sex and age analysis according to the study of osteological materials from the tomb TT 23 (Luxor, Egypt) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2022): 1–10. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00012.


Pamiati druga, tovarishcha, kollegi... k. i. n. A. M. Smirnova (27 aprelia 1947 g., Daugavpils — 18 noiabria 2022 g., Pushkin) [In memory of a friend, comrade, colleague... Dr. A. M. Smirnov (April 27, 1947, Daugavpils — November 18, 2022, Pushkin)]
1, 2023
Referring: Vinokurov N. I., Belova G. A., Litvinenko S. V. In memory of a friend, comrade, colleague... Dr. A. M. Smirnov (April 27, 1947, Daugavpils — November 18, 2022, Pushkin) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2023): 54–53. Digital source, mode access:


Kruglyi stol: 'Pochemu udalis' arabskie zavoevaniia? Analiz voennykh i sotsial'no-politicheskikh faktorov, obuslovivshikh uspekh musul'manskoi ekspansii VII veka', ISAA MGU, 25 aprelia 2013 g. [The round table on 'Why did the Arab conquests succeed? Analysis of the military and socio-political factors that contributed to the success of the Muslim expansion of the 7th century', Institute of Asian and African Studies of Moscow State University (MSU), April 25, 2013]
1, 2016
Reffering: Voytenko A. A. The round table on 'Why did the Arab conquests succeed? Analysis of the military and socio-political factors that contributed to the success of the Muslim expansion of the 7th century', Institute of Asian and African Studies of Moscow State University (MSU), April 25, 2013 [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2016): 48–52. Digital resource, mode access:


V Konferentsiia po izucheniiu Del'ty (6–7 aprelia 2017 g., Aleksandriia) [The V Delta Workshop (6th–7th of April, 2017, Alexandria]
2, 2017
Referring: Yarmolovich V. I. The V Delta Workshop (6th–7th of April, 2017, Alexandria [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2017): 36–37. Digital resource, mode access:

XVII Sovremennye issledovaniia v egiptologii (4–7 maia 2016) [The XVII Modern Studies in Egyptology (4th–7th of May, 2016)]
3, 2016
Referring: Yarmolovich V. I. The XVII Modern Studies in Egyptology (4th–7th of May, 2016) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2016): 51–55. Digital resource, mode access:

An unusual storage jar with a face from Deir el-Banat (Fayoum oasis)
2, 2019
Referring: Yarmolovich V. I. An unusual storage jar with a face from Deir el-Banat (Fayoum oasis) // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2019): 57–63. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00017.

Egipetskoe vliianie na napatskoe goncharstvo v VIII–IV vv. do n. e. (na primere keramicheskogo materiala iz Gebel'-Barkala, Sudan) [Egyptian influence on Napatan pottery craft in the 8th–4th c. BCE (evidence from the excavations at Gebel Barkal, Sudan)]
2, 2022
Referring: Yarmolovich V. I. Egyptian influence on Napatan pottery craft in the 8th–4th c. BCE (evidence from the excavations at Gebel Barkal, Sudan) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2022): 69–94. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2022-00007.

'Istorik i tekst'. Nauchnaia konferentsiia, posviashchennaia 80-letiiu 'Vestnika drevnei istorii' (18–19 dekabria 2017 g., Moskva) ['The historian and the text'. Academic conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the 'Journal of Ancient History' (December 18–19, 2017, Moscow)]
4, 2017
Referring: Yarmolovich V. I. 'The historian and the text'. Academic conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the 'Journal of Ancient History' (December 18–19, 2017, Moscow) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2017): 46–48. Digital resource, mode access:

Mezhdunarodnaia nauchnaia konferentsiia 'D'iakovskie chteniia' (Moskva, 3 dekabria 2016 g.) [International academic conference 'Diacov Readings' (Moscow, 3rd of December, 2016)]
4, 2016
Referring: Yarmolovich V. I. International academic conference 'Diacov Readings' (Moscow, 3rd of December, 2016) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2016): 111–114. Digital resource, mode access:

Mezhdunarodnaia nauchnaia konferentsiia 'XX Sergeevskie chteniia' (31 ianvaria — 2 fevralia 2017 g., Moskva) [The international academic conference 'XX Sergeevsky readings' (January 31 — February 2, 2017, Moscow)]
3, 2017
Referring: Yarmolovich V. I. The international academic conference 'XX Sergeevsky readings' (January 31 — February 2, 2017, Moscow) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2017): 56–57. Digital resource, mode access:

Nauchnaia konferentsiia, posviashchennaia 100-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia T. N. Savel'evoi (13 dekabria 2016 g., Moskva) [Academic conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of T. N. Savelieva (13th of December, 2016, Moscow)]
1, 2017
Referring: Yarmolovich V. I. Academic conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of T. N.  Savelieva (13th of December, 2016, Moscow) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2017): 87–90. Digital resource, mode access:

Naznachenie egipetskikh diadem s bantami (epokha Drevnego tsarstva) [Functions of Egyptian diadems with bows in the Old Kingdom]
2, 2016
Referring: Yarmolovich V. I. Functions of Egyptian diadems with bows in the Old Kingdom [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2016): 29–42. Digital resource, mode access:

Okruglye svetloglinianye gorshki VI–IV vv. do n. e. iz Memfisa (Egipet): morfologiia, datirovka i areal [Rounded pots of 6th–4th c. BCE from Memphis (Egypt): morphology, dating and distribution]
1, 2020
Referring: Yarmolovich V. I. Rounded pots of 6th–4th c. BCE from Memphis (Egypt): morphology, dating and distribution [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2020): 69–93. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2020-00005.

Preliminary report on fine ware pottery from Memphis (seasons 2014–2016, 2018)
2, 2018
Referring: Yarmolovich V. I. Preliminary report on fine ware pottery from Memphis (seasons 2014–2016, 2018) // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2019): 1–7. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2018-00010

Problema lokalizatsii goncharnykh masterskikh VI–IV vv. do n. e. v Memfise [An Issue of localisation of pottery workshops of the 6th–4th c. BCE at Memphis]
3, 2023
Referring: Yarmolovich V. I. An Issue of localisation of pottery workshops of the 6th–4th c. BCE at Memphis [in Russian} // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2023): 94–99. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2023-00013

Relief and figure vessels from the Russian excavations in Memphis (Kom Tuman)
4, 2021
Referring: Yarmolovich V. I. Relief and figure vessels from the Russian excavations in Memphis (Kom Tuman) // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2021): 100–119. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2021-00025

Review of: C. A. Hope, Kom Rabia: the blue-painted pottery (Excavation memoir 116). London: Egypt Exploration Society, 2016
3, 2018
Referring: Yarmolovich V. I. C. A. Hope, Kom Rabia: the blue-painted pottery (Excavation memoir 116). London: Egypt Exploration Society, 2016 [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2018): 81–84. Digital resource, mode access:

Review of: P. French, J. Bourriau, The Anubieion at Saqqara IV: pottery of the Late Dynastic Period with comparative material from the sacred animal necropolis (Excavation memoir 110). London: Egypt Exploration Society, 2018
4, 2018
Referring: Yarmolovich V. I. P. French, J. Bourriau, The Anubieion at Saqqara IV: pottery of the Late Dynastic Period with comparative material from the sacred animal necropolis (Excavation memoir 110). London: Egypt Exploration Society, 2018 [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2018): 1–4. Digital resource, mode access:

Rezul'taty issledovaniia svetlozhgushchikhsia glin memfisskoi keramiki epokhi Pozdnego perioda [Investigation of Marl and Mixed fabric of the pottery from Memphis (Late Period)]
2, 2023
Referring: Yarmolovich V. I. Investigation of Marl and Mixed fabric of the pottery from Memphis (Late Period) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2023): 101–120. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00008

Tekhnologicheskii i ikonograficheskii aspekty izucheniia figurnogo sosuda v forme petukha (po materialam arkheologicheskikh raskopok TsEI RAN na Kom-Tumane (Egipet) [Figure vessel in shape of a rooster from Kom Tuman (Egypt): technological and iconographical study]
3, 2017
Referring: Yarmolovich V. I. Figure vessel in shape of a rooster from Kom Tuman (Egypt): technological and iconographical study [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2017): 34–51. Digital resource, mode access: