Issue 1, 2024

A. O. Kitova

Paleoantropologicheskie materialy s nekropolia Deir-el'-Banat (po rezul'tatam arkheologicheskikh rabot v 2014‒2022 gg.) [Paleoanthropological materials from the Deir el-Banat necropolis (based on the results of archaeological works of 2014–2022)]

In the article results of studying remains of 131 persons at different stages of distraction that were discovered at Deir el-Banat necropolis during seasons 2014, 2017 and 2022 are presented. As the result of paleodemographic analysis high rate of child mortality and predominance of women of reproductive age in burials have been recorded. This fact corresponds to situation peculiar to other pre-industrial societies. Despite high risk of mortality at young age, female life expectancy is higher than male one. Based on soft tissues preservation estimate at control points, presented in scores, patterns of processes of bodies’ natural decomposition and taphonomy, the author demonstrates possibility of detailed comparison of state of preservation of mummies’ from Deir el-Banat anatomical structures and collates them with descriptions and CT data of mummies found at other sites and stored in a museum collections. Obtained osteometric indicators are generally typical for population of Late Antique Egypt, linear proportions of deceased are characterised with relative elongation of distal parts of upper and lower limbs with general shortening of upper limb compared with lower ones. The paper also contains personal osteometric data. Paleopathological analysis involved descriptions of individual dental pathologies, including indicators of episodic stress. Signs of periods of impaired enamel formation experienced in childhood are present in the majority of studied adult remains, sex differences are observed on this basis. The prevalence of caries in the group has been used as an indicator of carbohydrate components in the diet of its representatives, as well as an indirect sign of abrasive properties of food.

mummification, Deir el-Banat, osteometry, soft tissues preservation, STPS, linear enamel hypoplasia, caries, tooth loss.

Original language — Russian.

DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2024-00003.

Referring: Kitova A. O. Paleoanthropological materials from the Deir el-Banat necropolis (based on the results of archaeological works of 2014–2022) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2024): 59–86. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2024-00003.

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