Issue 3, 2021
S. B. Borutskaya, S. V. Vasilyev
Analiz diskretno-var'iruiushchikh priznakov i stepeni razvitiia myshechnogo rel'efa na postkranial'nom skelete zhitelei Faiiumskogo oazisa (Egipet) greko-rimskogo vremeni [Analysis of discretely varying signs and the degree of development of muscle relief on the postcranial skeleton of Greco-Roman inhabitants of Fayum oasis (Egypt)]
The article is devoted to the review of osteoscopic data of the Fayum oasis population in Greco-Roman period. Authors consider both discretely varying signs on the bones of the postcranial skeleton and the development of muscle relief. There is a strong development of muscle relief in the male population, which might probably be explained by the hard work of military service. There is also a number of morphological features of the scapulae, pelvic bones and forearm bones.
Fayum oasis, Greco-Roman period, discretely varying signs, muscle relief, physical activity.
Original language — Russian.
DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2021-00014.
Referring: Borutskaya S. B., Vasilyev S. V. Analysis of discretely varying signs and the degree of development of muscle relief on the postcranial skeleton of Greco-Roman inhabitants of Fayum oasis (Egypt) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2021): 1–12. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2021-00014.
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