Issue 1, 2021
O. V. Orfinskaya
Analiz pod"emnogo tekstil'nogo materiala, poluchennogo v khode raboty ekspeditsii TsEI RAN na pamiatnike Deir-el'-Banat [Surface textiles found during excavations carried out by the Russian Archaeological Mission at Deir el-Banat]
Excavations and surveying on necropoleis result in collecting numerous finds from burials, dumps and the surface. The material’s value depends on its discovery place. Surface finds are usually regarded less informative than materials of other categories. However textiles from the surface should not be underrated since, like other fabrics, they may not only shed some light on burial rites but also come closer to everyday life of people, reconstruct organization of textile production, trace how the fashion changed and how textiles circulated over Egypt and abroad.
archaeology, Egypt, surface finds, Byzantium period, textiles, costume, tunic, caftan, sprang.
Original language — Russian.
DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2021-00007.
Referring: Orfinskaya O. V. Surface textiles found during excavations carried out by the Russian Archaeological Mission at Deir el-Banat [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 1 (2021): 79–108. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2021-00007.
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