Issue 4, 2020

N. I. Vinokurov

Drevnie vinodel'ni Egipta, Finikii, Siro-Palestinskogo regiona i Prichernomor'ia: obshchee i osobennoe [Ancient wineries of Egypt, Phoenicia, the Syro-Palestinian region and the Black Sea region: common and special features]

The author provides the results of comparative analysis of wineries in Egypt, Phoenicia, the Syro- Palestinian region and the Black Sea region, highlighting the similarities and differences in their constructive and technological characteristics, which are significant for understanding the main trends in development of winemaking and viticulture in these civilization regions.

winemaking, viticulture, wine, wineries, wine storage, fermentation, agriculture, Egypt, Phoenicia, Syro-Palestinian region, Northern Black Sea coast, Bosporan kingdom, Bronze Age, antiquity, pressure platforms, reservoirs, presses.

Original language — Russian.

DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2020-00012.

Referring: Vinokurov N. I. Ancient wineries of Egypt, Phoenicia, the Syro-Palestinian region and the Black Sea region: common and special features [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 4 (2020): 21–45. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2020-00012.

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