Issue 2, 2020

O. V. Orfinskaya

Tekstil'nye tekhnologii Egipta: formirovanie niti [Forming threads in Egyptian textile industry]

Threads in archaeological textiles were made with usage of two techniques — splicing and spinning. These are completely separate methods requiring different instruments and production organization. In Predynastic and Dynastic Egypt the first one was used. Twist direction corresponded to the plant fibers’ natural twist direction. For the majority of plants it is Z twist, so the first threads were twisted in Z direction. But for the flax, fibers of which are S-twisted, it was more sensible to twist yarns in S direction. That is why after a while Egyptians began to twist flax threads in S direction only. This technical feature is a calling card of Egyptian archaeological textiles: all fibers including wool were twisted in S direction.

Egypt, flax, linen, textile techniques, splicing, spinning, twist direction.

Original language — Russian.

DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2020-2-6076.

Referring: Orfinskaya O. V. Forming threads in Egyptian textile industry [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2020): 60–76. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2020-2-6076.

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