Issue 3, 2019

T. A. Sherkova

Khaos i kosmos: analiz panno iz grobnitsy 100 v Ierakonpole v kontekste arkheologicheskikh i ikonograficheskikh issledovanii [Chaos and cosmos: analysis of a painting from the tomb 100 in Hierakonpolis in context of archaeological and iconographical data]

The famous tomb 100 with a polychromic wall painting in Hierakonpolis was a subject of interest for many Egyptologists. In this paper it is analyzed in context of Hierakonpolis elite necropolises of the Naqada time that were studied during the last 10 years. Iconographic analysis of motifs on the painting allowed reconstructing a funeral rite that had been performed after death of the Hierakonpolis chieftain ruling in Naqada IIC, i. e. in the period of the early state formation.
Base for mythological conciseness, idea of struggle and conciliation of opposites like chaos and cosmos reflected in centric organization of elite funeral complexes where a ruler’s tomb was a core of organized space, cosmos, while chaos was pushed outside. This matched the structure of a hierarchical society at the threshold of early state. At the same time it followed an ancient myth on initial shining hill appeared from depths of water chaos.

elite necropolis, temple, centric structure, composition, symbolical images and motifs, myth, rite.

Original language — Russian.

DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00018.

Referring: Sherkova T. A. Chaos and cosmos: analysis of a painting from the tomb 100 in Hierakonpolis in context of archaeological and iconographical data [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2019): 82–105. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00018.

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