Issue 3, 2019
S. V. Ivanov
K voprosu o keramicheskikh zhertvennikakh iz Memfisa [To the question of ceramic offering trays from Memphis]
This paper discusses possible parallels between horse-shoe shaped offering trays from Memphis and ‘Mendes mazes’. Both groups of items have similar features: crocodiles and offerings. It is possible that, like altars from Mendes, offering trays from Memphis could be connected to the cult of the Nile and to celebration of the feast of inundation.
An ‘Appendix’ provides a list of ceramic offering trays kept in various collections.
Kom Tuman, Memphis, domestic religious practice, offering tray, ‘soul house’, ‘Mendes maze’, crocodile, mortuary cult, apotropaic magic, votive object, cult of the Nile, feast of inundation.
Original language — Russian.
DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00006.
Referring: Ivanov S. V. To the question of ceramic offering trays from Memphis [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2019): 32–41. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00006.
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