Issue 2, 2023
A. A. Belov
Parusnaia osnastka drevneegipetskikh korablei v epokhu Ramessidov (1295–1069 gg. do n. e.) [Sails and rigging of Ancient Egyptian ships during the Ramesside Period (1295–1069 BC)]
In the seventh article of this series the author considers the peculiarities of sails and rigging of Ancient Egyptian ships during the Ramesside Period (1295–1069 BC). The available material proves that a traditional rig with a boom from the early New Kingdom was still in use. However, the representations of an innovative boomless rig, first attested during the Amarna period, become even more frequent.
In addition, a transitional type of a rig with a boom but equipped with brails for easier handling of the sail is equally attested on the reliefs from the Ramesside Period.
ancient shipbuilding, ancient rigging, seafaring in Ancient Egypt, New Kingdom, Ramesside Period.
Original language — Russian.
DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00004.
Referring: A. A. Belov Sails and rigging of Ancient Egyptian ships during the Ramesside Period (1295–1069 BC) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2023): 1–19. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00004.
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