Issue 3, 2019
E. Yu. Chepel
Kak prevratit' Afiny v Egipet: ob odnom fragmente uteryannoi komedii Aristofana 'Vremena goda' [How to transform Athens into Egypt: a fragment of Arstiphanes’ lost comedy ‘Seasons’]
The author analyses a fragment of Aristophanes’ comedy ‘Seasons’ (῞Ωραι), in which two characters argue about extraordinary diversity of food at the Athenian market independently of the current season. The possible role of Horai in this comedy is discussed. Problems of the calendar that could be dealt with in the comedy are also examined in the article, as well as positive and negative connotations with Egypt and Egyptian customs.
Aristophanes, ‘Seasons’, Horai, calendar, foreign cults, Athens and Egypt.
Original language — Russian.
DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00009.
Referring: Chepel E. Yu. How to transform Athens into Egypt: a fragment of Arstiphanes’ lost comedy ‘Seasons’ [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2019): 75–81. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00009.
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