Issue 3, 2019

O. V. Orfinskaya

Pervichnaya restavratsiya tekstilya iz grobnitsy TT 23 [Conservation of textiles from TT 23. Season 2019]

In November 2019 the Centre for Egyptological Studies of the Russian Academy of Science (CES RAS) had another season of archaeological research in the Theban tomb of Tjay (TT 23). One of the tasks of our textile experts was getting as full data as possible in field conditions. Order of describing textiles, which are mass material on Egyptian sites, developed a while ago has brought very good results. However some fragments needed conservation for examining in more detail and preparing for publishing. Order of conservation was improved and adapted to the material from this particular tomb over years of work. Textiles that were conserved this season are presented in this paper.

Egypt, tomb, archaeology, textile, Pharaonic period, Roman time, field research, textile description, conservation, reconstruction, storage of textiles.

Original language — Russian.

DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00008.

Referring: Orfinskaya O. V. Conservation of textiles from TT 23. Season 2019 [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 3 (2019): 53–74. DOI: 10.24411/2686-9276-2019-00008.

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